Tuesday, May 8, 2012

God is good!

I am thrilled to share that I got the internship that I applied for this summer!

About a month ago, an advertising internship opportunity came my way. It was with the Student Media Group which is based in Newark, Delaware. I applied for it, participated in a 3 round interview process, and got a call yesterday that I had been chosen for the position. Even though the offices are in Delaware, they give the opportunity to students in college towns all aross the US. What I will be doing all summer long is going around to Starkville businesses and try and get them to place ads in the Plan-It Planner that you can buy in places like Barnes and Noble, The Lodge, etc. I will also be helping them create the ideal ad that best suites them. This is not how I was planning to spend my summer, however, this opportunity came my way and I am thrilled to have this experience! I will be traveling to Clemson University to start training in about a week, and then I come back to Starkville and start working. As a PR major, it is very important to partake in internships and have a little experience before hitting the "real world" with full force. So yep, I'm excited about this internship and about living in Starkville this summer!

In other news, today is my best friend Kathryn Cox's BIRTHDAY! She is the big 2-1 and I can't wait to go to Starkville Thursday (tomorrow) and celebrate with her and all of my other friends. It's been a long time coming for us with late summer birthdays, and it is LESS than a month until mine :) Even though I feel like such a baby and I feel like I am so behind everyone, the majority of my friends' birthdays are right along mine so that is sort of a relief!

Happy happy birthday sweet Kathryn! I love you!

And have a good rest of the week to you allllllllllll!

1 comment:

  1. Meri Scott! Congrats! Internships are the best ways to learn anyway and what a fun one you will be doing! Hope you enjoy your summer. Miss ya! :D

    It's an Easy Life
