Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Amendment 26

For weeks now I have been debating on whether my choice should be yes, or no.

When all of this talk about banning abortion and the underlying facts started coming out, I totally was the one who said NO to this amendment. I thought it was a huge misunderstanding and it honestly made me mad to think about all of the facts it held that most people didn't even know about. I would drive around my hometown of Tupelo, and see all of these signs saying YES to Amendment 26. I then did research on it and found most of its negative issues.

Take a look and read this article to see why I was NOT for it...

So there. I was stuck on this horrible idea.

Well then, weeks later I started to think about it more. I wondered if what I was standing for was right. Because, after all, I AM pro-life. However, I just didn't want to support this because of the bad "rumors" I had heard about it. So after researching more, and reading other blogs
about it, I have come to the decision of voting yes to Amendment 26. Let me explain.

Life begins at fertilization, conception, or whatever you prefer. What is being created is not a body part, an organ, or a freaking animal. It is a human being. This is how YOU were made. Your body develops from the time you were born, until the time that you die. It is an ongoing process.

You may not agree with me, but I feel that it is necessary to share this just because I was fooled.

Here are some of the issues that most people hear about that could be misleading...

1. Will Amendment 26 outlaw contraceptives? No. It will NOT ban the use of hormonal contraceptives, including most forms of the "pill". It will ban, however, drugs such as RU486, which allow a baby to be conceived and then expelled. Mainly birth control that causes you to have a miscarriage.

2. Will Amendment 26 end in-vitro fertilization? No. It will ban allowing un-used embryos to be destroyed.

3. Will Amendment 26 result in the criminal prosecution of a woman who suffers from miscarriage? No. Personhood USA will not make it a crime if a woman miscarries.

4. What about rape or incest? This amendment will prevent a conceived baby from being executed for the crime. The baby is a victim just like the mother, but it is not the baby's fault for what has happened. Women who have had babies because of rape have testified that the baby is a blessing to them. The option of adoption still remains open.

I know that some of you will vote no, and that's okay, but I just encourage you to really think about your decision. Do your research, because I know how word of mouth can sway your opinion.

What will you choose on November 8th??

I will leave you with some scripture...

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you, and I ordained you a prophet unto the nations." Jeremiah 1:5

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