Friday, January 27, 2012

Hello everyone! I am currently in my pajamas (still) and am catching up on my daily blog-reading.
Thought: I love how I read certain blogs religiously, but they have no idea who in the heck I am. I know it's not creepy to most people, but when I think about it, I feel like a creep-o.

Anyway, tonight is DG's Roaring 20's Date Party. Who is excited? THIS GIRL.
I love the chance to get all dolled up in a flapper dress...
(I'm trying to talk Hank into slicking his hair back. This should be interesting.)

And also, I'll introduce you to some of my recent WANTS:

Clearly I am dying for pastel pants for Spring

This. Cuff.

Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I just got done catching up on The Bachelor, and I'm sitting here thinking about this teeeeny tiny space of a room I live in. IF you should even call it a room...more like... a cubicle. But, you know, I love it. I wouldn't trade one thing about my experience here in the DG house. Skeptical about the idea of living here I may have been, but my roommates (best friends) are absolutely incredible. I know that this is so random of me, but it is something on my mind that I would like to share...

Here are some pictures of all of us:

Love yaaaa'll to pieces!